3 sept 2014

Steps to Be a Millionaire

Money is not everything. Maybe for you money is near the end of the list. Everyone has their own definition of success. Mine is: "Success is to those who believed in you look smart."
For me, money is not that important, but I have to confess that yes I care much at one time (maybe because I had a lot). What kind of things should you do to increase your chances of joining the club of millionaires?
1 Stop obsessing with money. See if what distracts you from doing the things that really help you grow your wealth. Change your perspective. "Go no money as your main goal but as a result of doing things right."
2 Start a log to see how many people assistance, even something small. The most successful people I know are very helpful. Very good understanding others and helping them achieve their goals. They know that their success is based on the success of the people around him. So work hard to make others succeed: employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, etc..
3 Stop thinking about making a million dollars and starts to think about helping one million people. When you only have a few clients and your goal is to make a lot of money, you will find many ways to remove every last weight consumers. But when you find a way to serve a million people a lot of good things can happen.
The power of words is amazing. The feedback you get is exponentially greater and your opportunities to improve your products and services. You will have the opportunity to hire more employees and benefit from their experience, skills and genius in general.
In time your business will become something that you never dreamed, as your employees and customers will take you to amazing places. Help one million people and the money will follow.
View 4 make money as a way to do more. Generally there are two types of people:
a. One does things because he wants to make money. The more things will make more money. No matter much your product or service, you will do anything while customers pay you.
b. The other wants to make money because it will allow you to do more. Looking to improve your product and extend its line. Want to create another book, song, film. He loves what he does and sees making money as a way to do more of what you love. The dream of having a company to do the best things and make money is a way to feed the dream.
Although it is possible to find a product that everyone wants and you become rich by selling that product, many successful entrepreneurs evolve and grow when they win money and reinvest it in a relentless pursuit of excellence.
"We do not make movies to make money, we make money to make films," Walt Disney.
5 Make a better thing. Choose one thing you're better than most people. Focus on doing ONE thing. Practice, learn, work, evaluated. Self-criticism your creations, not in a masochistic way, but to ensure that your work will improve everything. Successful people financially, does well one thing that the world is willing to pay.
Excellence is the reward, but it also demands a much higher pay and more respect, courage, fulfillment and sense of accomplishment. All this makes you rich in non-monetary terms.
6 Make a list of 10 people to do one thing well. How did you choose those 10? How did you determine who the "best"? How do you measure "success"? Use these criteria to measure your progress and become the best. Not only to admire successful people. Look closer to making them successful. You use these criteria to create your own success.
7 Keep track of your progress. We tend to become what we measure, so do follow up at least once a week. Maybe you'll see how many people you've helped or how many customers you served or evaluarás the key steps in your journey to become the best.
8 Create routines that ensure progress. Never forget that you reach a goal is to create routines. For example if you want to write a 200 page book that is your goal. Your system can achieve write four pages a day, that's your routine. Waiting and wishing will not make you finish your work, but commit to your routine will help you achieve your goal.
Set goals, create routines that support those goals and make a record of your progress. Fix what does not work. Improvement and repeats what does work. It seeks to be better than you were yesterday. Soon you will be good, then you will be great and will be the best ever. There will come a day when, without you noticing, be a millionaire if that sort of thing interests you.

25 may 2014

Marketing Plan

The marketing plan is the basic management tool to be used by all market oriented company that wants to be competitive. In its implementation will set different actions to be performed in the area of ​​marketing, to achieve the objectives. This can not be considered in isolation within the company, but fully coordinated and consistent with the strategic plan, still must make the appropriate adjustments with respect to the general plan of the company, as it is the only way to respond to valid needs and issues raised.

Marketing Plan as such is helpful for managers and generally anyone who in some form of management within an organization as well as for professionals or students who hope to further knowledge of this key instrument in strategic analysis of business management.

In marketing, as in any other management activity, every action executed without proper planning involves at least a high risk of failure or large waste of resources and efforts. If an action has successfully planned, we should ask what we had gotten more to operate under a plan. Try a project succeed without resorting to a marketing plan is like trying to navigate a stormy sea with no clear destination or marine charts.

The marketing plan provides a clear vision of the end goal and what you want to get on the path to the goal, while reports detailing the status and position in which we find ourselves and set our steps to be covered for their achievement. It has the added advantage that the collection and processing of data necessary for this plan to calculate how long it will take to cover each stage, thus giving us a clear idea of ​​the time that we used to do, what we must allocate staff to achieve attainment objectives and what financial resources we have.

Without a marketing plan never know how we achieved the results of our business, and therefore, we are exposed to shocks in the market.

At present, it is beginning to value in Spain, especially in SMEs, the benefits that the company is supposed to have a marketing plan. The rapid changes that occur in the market and the arrival of new technologies are forcing, initially, to do it rather forcefully; be with the passage of time when we realize the many advantages it produces logic and structured planning of the different variables of marketing.