

Alliance is a group of macro and micro enterprises, merchants and service providers, in particular in order to offer products, goods and services of high quality, reliability, economy and speed for the general public.

GMG undertakes that consumers bond receiving a product or service with the highest standards of quality and satisfaction in the shortest possible time and at less cost.

GMG is committed with the members of the group, business or business promosional for one (1) year or more, according to his contract, in the media, radio, TV, Internet, Virtual screen, Mini billboards, Mail, Sociamedia (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, etc). Having thus a greater flow of consumers and customers in your business and your business Positional a higher level of acceptance to the competition.

GMG be responsible for providing all the promotions and you have your company for the above means and companies affiliated to the group.

Members are committed to pay U.S. $ 1,999.00 (single payment for year) on account of membership to cover the costs of marketing and advertising the group for the entire year period of the agreement.

GMG is committed to providing members a satisfaction guarantee (90) days, in which if the member has not received the benefit at that time most of the amount invested, the investment is returned without cost no charge.

Members agree to pay a commission of 5% to GMG of benefits obtained by customers or consumers that the group send their companies for businesses.

GMG is committed to return 50% dimensioned the commissions to companies in the form of points, where one point is equal to a weight RD$ accumulated point value, in order to be used in any company or person belonging to the group.

GMG is committed to redeem the points used in any of the group companies, cash in the shortest time possible, encouraging business cycle between group affiliates.

Members undertake to consume the services or products of the group companies, not unless another group company, offering the same product or service at a lower cost and that this offer can not be matched by group companies.

GMG is committed to maintaining updated to companies or individuals in the group, with new businesses products or services being offered and where you can redeem the points accumulated in each business.

GMG agrees to create GMG GOLD CLUB card, which is the creation of a fund for one or two times a year with the amount of mutual agreement, to develop activities for social good, help, sports activities, cultural, social.

GMG and affiliates sign a partnership agreement detailing what above and some points of great interest to ensure a better agreement between the parties.

2 comentarios:

  1. اشكركم علي هذه المبادرة الرائعة رغم انني لم افهم ماذا تقصدون ولكن وجدت ما ابحت عنه شكرا لكم

    1. شكرا، لدينا خيار لبدء على حق، لترجمة الصفحة في اللغة التي تريدها.
